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Updated: 2024-02-20

Sawadee kha, Sawadee khrap

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Home - Journeys - Thailand 2023, November, December - Wednesday, November 22, 2023



Black tomcat.

Little train.

Little train.

Hustle and bustle.

Hustle and bustle.

Wat Huay Mongkol.

Wat Huay Mongkol.

Wat Huay Mongkol.

Wat Huay Mongkol.

Wat Huay Mongkol.

Wat Huay Mongkol.

Wat Huay Mongkol.

Wat Huay Mongkol.

Wat Huay Mongkol.

Wat Huay Mongkol.

We slept reasonably well in the Bann Pantai Resort in Cha-am. The breakfast is reasonable to good, just like yesterday. After breakfast, a black tomcat, one of the yard cats that own the resort, walks with us and stays near our room the whole time.
Pia has some problems with the places where she was stung yesterday, possibly by a jellyfish, but it is not very bothersome.
After breakfast we go for coffee at Café Amazon. When we walk there, the black tomcat also walks with us, but the animal does not leave the resort grounds.

We plan to go to the Mrigadayavan Palace to tour it today, but it is closed on Wednesdays. Fortunately, we first looked on the internet for the opening hours. We'll take a look there tomorrow.
Then we go to one of Hua Hin's two floating markets, the Hua Hin Sam Phan Nam Floating Market. We find our way easily with the help of Google.
On the way we should pass another floating market, Hua Hin Floating market, but we don't see it.
When we arrive we appear to be the only visitors, and the place looks dilapidated. Two more people arrive anyway. At the entrance it appears that foreigners have to pay admission, Thb 50, but then you can go on the train for free, Pia has to pay separately for the train.
The train runs for fifteen minutes on a rickety railway line around the market, the whole now also looks poorly maintained.
The train stops somewhere halfway, we have to get out and continue walking. We walk along the water and past almost all empty shops back to the entrance. And along the way we meet three more visitors, guests from our hotel.
Too bad, the previous times we were here it was busy, there was food for sale and much more.

We decide to go to Wat Huay Mongkol. Last time we wanted to go there we couldn't find our way, now it's no problem, we see signs everywhere.
It is also very quiet at the temple, just like everywhere else in the area. We look around, and Pia is starting to suffer more and more from the bumps, which are now also appearing in other places on her body.

We decide to go back to Cha-am and eat seafood there later in the afternoon. We arrive in Cha-am at a quarter to three.
The spots on Pia's skin are quite thick and red and itchy.
We then walk along the beach to the south. The beach there is being raised to repair the damage caused by the storm a few days ago. Eating on the beach is therefore not possible. We eat seafood, shells, squid and oysters on the boulevard at one of the restaurants that normally deliver food to the beach.
The food is tasty.

Back at the hotel, Tom gets vinegar from the hotel kitchen to apply to Pia's itchy skin. We decide to go to the local hospital tomorrow.

Written on: 2023-11-23


We tell what we have done and experienced during a trip and we also tell what we think about it; no more and no less.

This is not a travel guide, nor is it advice to visit a place or not. There are other sites for that.
Our opinion about places where we have eaten, drunk or slept is not intended as a (positive or negative) assessment, there are other sites for that.
It is our view of the situation at a certain moment and that view is influenced by our mood, the weather and many other factors.